Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Girl fart vs Guy fart: the Facebook Manifesto
I went home an hour later at lunch, pulled out my laptop and wrote my Girl Fart vs Guy fart manifesto(ironically, I was dropping a deuce while writing it).
Without further ado, here is my reply:
The answer is easy, its girl farts. Does that mean girl farts smell worse? No. Not by a long shot. It's irresponsible for us to assume that the odor caused by female flatulence is ANY different then males. That being said, chick farts-due to their infrequent and often unexpected arrival are far worse then men. Allow me to elaborate:
Males are crude, immature creatures by nature. It's in our genetic code to swear profusely, laugh at inappropriate material, and go days without showering. When a girl makes the consensual decision to hang out with a male in a social setting- they are doing so with the understanding that we may offend them. Offenses including, but not limited to: excessive use of the 'f' word, references to genitals and/or masturbation, and of course, the chance that he may fart.
Now because the girl understands these facts, she is prepared for such and is less likely to be offended. Shock is removed from any situation when you expect it.
Would Pearl Harbor have had the same lasting effect on America if we knew what the Japanese were up to? Hell no. So if the girl has any resemblance of intelligence she is going to understand that guys fart, thus removing the shock from the situation and any chance of her to be offended.
On the flip side, girls want us to assume their farts either A) don't stink, or B) (and not realistically) don't fart at all. By not recognizing a fart as a perfectly normal bodily function, the female is unintentionally keeping the shock value intact.
True story, one summer day I was driving with a female friend of mine (for privacy reasons, I will keep her name from the story). We were having a nice drive, but it was hot as balls outside so we had the windows up with the air conditioner blasting. Then, without warning, I was assaulted by a smell that can only be described as: it smelt like the fat man at the beginning of seven (the gluttony guy) took a shit in my back seat and let it marinate all day under the hot summer sun. The smell CONSUMED my car.
'What the fuck is that smell?' I thought to myself. I pulled into the girls drive way to have a look around. Half expected the Triceratops turd from Jurassic Park to be in the seat behind the driver seat. Fortunately, it was not. However, what I did notice was the smirk on my co pilot’s face. It was a cross between 'oh shit, I fucked up' and ' I have a super awesome secret'.
It didn't take long for her to own up to her crime, but it did take long for her to convince me to not press charges. I was outraged!' How can she be responsible for this!? Girls are not supposed to fart like that' I thought to myself.
Well they do. Girls do fart, and in some cases their farts can be super fucked up. Do they stink worse then guys? Sometimes, yes, but in general, no. Everyone knows I'm capable of melting the paint off the walls off just a slice of pizza.
But that’s where the difference is. When I'm eating a slice- people know its coming. So when it does, nothing gets said. Why do they need to? I'm not ashamed. It's not like I'm NOT going to do it in the future. Just open a window. But when the girl who claims she never fart does it, it gets blown out of proportion.
Girls, you don't want us to think your farts are worse? Then you got two options- A) stop farting or B) just admit that you are human and that you pass a little gas every now and again. That’s all we are asking. Allow us to be prepared.
(That, and maybe have a better diet.)
On second thought ladies, why don't we keep the 'fart' talk to a minimum… No man wants to know that his dinner was prepared near exposed garbage.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
ConsPiracy th3ory
Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Decision
Each team offers Lebron Jame something unique, that makes it possible for him to agree to join them.
- The Knicks give him chance to be the face that brings the worlds greatest Basketball city back to prominence after a full decade of shitty decisions and terrible basketball.
- The Bulls, have the pieces in place to provide him the greats supporting cast he could ask for. They have a franchise pointguard under 23 years old, and one of the best defensive big men in the league. They also had enough money to bring in Lebron +1(after Chris Bosh committed to Miami, they used the money on All Star Carlos Boozer).
- Cleveland, is obvious. He grew up in Akron Ohio. By all accounts, Lebron loves the state of Ohio and is said to be a very loyal dude. He has played all 7 years there, and his native state hasn’t seen a championship team-in any sport- in near 60 years.
- The Miami Heat, he gets to team up with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. He also gets to play on South Beach. Seems great on paper, but when you have three players making the Max, and 9 other players making minimum wage, not usually your best recipe. There also has some potential for pecking order problems. More on that later.
- The Nets with the billionaire Russian owner never really had a chance. Well, maybe they did because of the Jay-Z connection, and the young team they can put around him(Brook Lopez, Devin Harris and lottery draft pick Derek Favors). But it's hard to imagine Lebron dropped the Cav's to go play in Newark for 2 years while the stadium in Brooklyn was being built.
Two weeks ago, it seemed as if the decision was either Chicago or Cleveland. Chicago for the rings, Cleveland for the heart. Those were the only two choices.
Three Days ago, with 2 of the 3 prized Free Agents of the summer heading to South Beach, LeBron seemed poised to do what I had hoped all along-stay in Cleveland. After all, could all three of them even play together?
24 hours ago, twitter and blog sites were reporting The Knicks were in control. Chad Ochocinco’s twitter had some not so creatively disguised tweets about King James joining the Knicks :"@KingJames big bruh can i break the news now or do i still have to wait?" then this one, " #OCNNBREAKINGNEWS *Empire State of Mind* *wink* *wink*only the smart folk will put this together and figure out what i am talking about #6" Empire State of Mine obviously being the Jay-Z song about New York, and #6." (#6 being the number he will wear next year after he said he will respectfully personally retire Jordans digits).
Jared Dudly, of the Phoenix Suns says a source inside the New York organization has confirmed the Kings commitment to the Knicks.
Over the last 12 hours, ESPN has been blowing a different tune. It now seems to be the Heat that has the Golden Ticket. Which would be unfortunate.
It would be a waste of a generational talent. LeBron James is a freak. He has the athletic gifts of a God and is built like a linebacker. He is the prototype of what a basketball player should be. He is stronger than the person guarding him. He is quicker then the person guarding him, and he is smarter than the person guarding him. If I got drunk and wanted to create the ultimate Small Forward on NBA 2k10, it would have my face and Lebrons abilities. Fact.
Over the last two years the The King and his Cavaliers have won 127 regular season games and have gone into the playoffs each year as the favorite to win the title. Both times they have been bounced. Lebron has long lobbied for an all star side kick, but all the Cav's have been able to produce is a broken down Shaq, Antwan Jamison, and Mo Williams. Not neccesarly the 86 Celtics.
No one will fault Lebron for leaving Cleveland if he goes to a team built to win. The Bulls are that team. Derek Rose, Carlos Boozer, Lual Deng, Joakim Noah. There is a very real possibility of Ray Allen joining as well. That team is built not just for one title, but many. That team was built for Lebron. He steps in, keeps his King Dick status, and plays with the best teammates of his career.
It would be hard to fault Lebron if he goes to New York. Here is the franchise the plays in the most famous arena in the world, in the most famous city in the world. Here is a franchise that has been in complete shambles since I entered puberty. Also, this is a franchise that has been preparing to lure the King to the Empire for 3 years, finishing year after year with terrible records. Waiting…
It’s the only reason the Knicks fans haven’t lit MSG on fire yet. They have been promised Lebron. If they do get him, and he turns the Knicks into a winner, he becomes immortalized. He becomes the biggest athlete, in the biggest city in the world. It would make his brand (which next to loyalty is the most talked about desire of Lebrons. Is to build a global "Brand") as great as it possibly could.
If Lebron stayed in Cleveland, it would be most honorable. It’s long been written that he values loyalty. Cleveland is the team that drafted him. Ohio is the state he grew up. He says loyalty is important? Well, buddy, now is the time to prove it.If you value loyalty, than you should live and die with the Cav’s.
For seven years, they have tailored their team to your wishes. They made the moves to try and make you happy. Since they drafted you first in 2003, you have truly been their king. They just fired their GM and Coach after back to back 60 win season for you. Now you’re looking to leave the sports scorned state of Ohio (which you claim to love) high and dry? If you wanted to leave, you knew about it already. Your desire to play for Chicago, New York, New Jersey or Miami didn't just sneak up on you. If you wanted to leave, you should’ve told them your intentions, given them a chance to get something in return for you.You leaving Cleveland like you are is going to turn them from a 60 win title contender, to a 15 win Lottery lock.
If Lebron goes to Miami, well thats where I get a little lost. On paper, it looks great. Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade and Lebron James. Three members of the 2008 Olympic team all playing together on South Beach. I talked to my buddy Rob today (who has picked Miami all along) and he brought up this point, "I don't think they'll be that good in real life, but can you imagine that team on NBA 2k11?" He's right. It would be devastating. You only need really two great players to be able to run anyone off the court on video games. Someone to play outside, someone to play inside. Those three give you three of the best video game talents out there.
But in real life they're going to be three players incredible players, with incredible contracts and incredible egos playing with nine players who are playing for the league minimum. Is that really a formula for success?
Also, as pointed out by ESPN's Sportsguy this morning, is Lebron really willing to give up his big dick status and play Scottie to Wades' Michael?(if you think Wade is taking a back seat to Lebron in the city he has played his whole career for and won a title in, you are high). Wade is the king of South Beach, Lebron is the two time defending MVP of the League. Is Lebron really able to pack up his stuff and go play for Wades team? If Lebron is signs with Miami he is simultaneously announcing that he is a vag and doesn't have what it takes to lead a team to a championship.
Even in the unlikely scenario that him and Wade blend flawlessly with one another, forming a super democracy of untamed basketball ability, he sure wouldn't deserve the title of King (which has been his nickname since High School). A king is the alpha male, not the side kick. A king is the end all, be all. Not just another guy with a vote. A king doesn't leave his kingdom to share the power. A king stands on his own, inspires the people he leads, and cuts the head off of anyone who dare challenge his thrown.
I don't have a problem with Wade and James being friends off the court. In fact, I think it's cool. But when they step on the hardwood, and that ball goes up in the air for the first time, I want that friendship to be forgotten. I want them to go to war, with the winner holding his severing his opponents head and tomahawking for emphasis.
It comes down to this. Lebron, if you care about winning, and only winning- go to Chicago (If you go there, you better make sure you win. Because if you go there and win anything less then 6 rings, you are a failure). If you care about your brand, and growing said brand to limitless heights, go win a title in New York. If you care about becoming a legend among the people you have grown up with, and the people who have supported you your entire basketball career to this point, if you truly deserve the title of King, stay in Cleveland. Win a title for Ohio, and prove God doesn't hate Cleveland. Now THAT is a task befitting of a king.
If this doesn't matter to you, and you want to team up with your competition, make ass tons of money(but still less then you would make in Cleveland) and party on South Beach all year long (when you probably shouldn't be doing it during the season anyway, so thats not a valid arguement. Go there during the offseason if you want to be the life of the party), then go to Miami. Transform yourself into Scottie Pippen 2.0. But stop talking about loyalty and the development of your brand.
Because lets face it, then 2nd fiddle doesn't become the icon. In Miami, you are the second fiddle. Not because you aren't as good (Lord know's you are better). Not because Wade will last longer ( with Wades age and his past injuries, he might not last too much longer). But because Wade was there first. He is Christopher Columbus, you would be small pox.
You need any more help making this decision? Ask Scottie how is brand is doing.