Monday, October 18, 2010
Dropping a Deuce at school or work
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Week 6 thoughts
You sure?'s be cause THE "BIG SEXUAL ASSAULTER" Ben Roethlisberger is back! Thats right baby! Fathers, lock away your daughters. Ladies, stay out of bar bathrooms. Big Ben is free from the shackles of suspension and ready to run wild all over Clevelands collective bitch ass.
And yes, my excitement is fantasy related. It's sure not because I enjoy Roethlisberger as a human, nor do I like the Steelers. My fantasy team just happens to be heavily involved in the Steeler organization.
So here is to thinking happy thoughts about this douche bag as he is throwing touchdowns for my team this week.
- As soon as Vick returns, I'll be starting three guys who have had atleast 4 week suspensions in the Roger Goodell era. I may change my team name to Goodells Doghouse.
- Marshawn Lynch makes his debut for the Seattle today. Hopefully he is able to create holes... 'cuz the offensive line sure isn't doing it.
- Brett Favres penis pictures once again prove my point that old people should be trusted with technology.
- Thoughts on the Branch trade: Cool dude, hope he does well in New England. But I'm sure glad I don't have to hold my breath everytime he runs a route thinking something on him is about to break anymore.
Alright, time to go back to work, ya know cuz I don't want to get fired.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I've been thinking about this moment for awhile now. I knew it was coming, eventually. After every post, I look over in the archieve just to make sure I haven't pased it yet.
At least nothing awesome.
I wish I would've told that story when it actually happened. Maybe the details wouldn't have been so fuzzy.
But thats been it for the booze stories since then. School and work make it impossible for me to get too crazy. I wish I did though, I mean this is blog 100! I need something to talk about.
I wish I had a rant about the Blazers ( though Greg Odens knee is really starting to get my face hot), but I actually have a positive outlook on them heading into the season. Not that I don't have a positive outlook every season, but there is something about the way that team handles on NBA 2k11 that has me just straight giddy for October 26th.
I guess we could just look at the awesomeness that is the number 100. I mean who sticks to something they don't get paid to do that long anyway? I tried to record a rap album once. Actually I've tried multiple times. I got like two songs in and shelved it. I could've been the next 2pac, but we'll never find out because that takes time and I got shit to do.
I started this blog while I was trying to make living in California work. I went down there with barely enough money to buy a flat screen tv, let alone money for living. That idea ( like the rap album) got shelved. However the blog keep firing away. The original idea for it was just to tell stories of alcohol induced mischief and other embarrassing (and possibly incriminating) tales. I believe this was around the time I was introduced to Tucker Max... so that makes sense.
As the drinking stories tank has dried up, the sports rants have been coming frequently. I had a very productive summer at formulating my ideas into my writing. We can probably thank LeBron for that.
The point I'm trying to make is, I'm proud of this thing. Despite the fact that only like 10 people read it, I'm proud of it. I literally have to put a gun to my brothers head to get him to come here... and he spends A LOT of time on the internet. Just sitting there.
But I've stuck to something that rarely shows any reward (thats a lie, any time someone says 'read your blog dude, good stuff' I get embarrassingly wet in my pants), and I'm gonna continue until I find a way to get paid to do this. Thats my promise. If a guy like Tucker Max can get paid to write that bull shit, I can find a way too. It's my American Dream.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Week 5
I was doing this party out of protest, and partly because I was THAT confident in my team.
While I was waiting for kick off, I decided to inform the rest of my league that my one quarterback line up was a decision I made, and not neglegent management.
Here is the post I wrote:
10-10-10, a day that will happen once a century, the Belvin Cup Dynasty (3-1) is going to attempt to do something less likely- win with one starting Quarterback.
"It's a move we've been thinking about all week, since we got the news on Mike" B.C.D owner Andrew Belvin said in a press conference earlier this week. "It started as a joke, but after Lampe dicked us with his Waiver priority... well, it be came a little more serious."
The issue came after fantasy feel good story Michael Vick went down week 4, injuring his ribs. With Ben Rothlisburger not set to make his return from suspension until week 6, Belvin had to make roster decisions for his second starting quarterback position. Naturally, Kevin Kolb was a natural decision for a pick up.
Owner of Team Alpha, Cory Lampe, had other ideas.
Lampe(2-2), who recently made news by having a bench that completely outplayed his starters, decided that he would use his waiver wire position to pick up Kolb, despite having 4 playing quarterbacks already on the roster.
"He (Lampe) did it because he thought it would force someone’s hand." A league source said when asked about the logic behind picking up a 5th quarterback. It's no secret Lampe, who is legendary at offering vomit inducing trades, has been searching for the pieces to recover from another awful draft.
Reportedly, Lampe had been trying to get Giants running back Ahmad Bradshaw from the Cup Dynasty but hasn’t been willing to offer anything worth taking a look at. By taking the position with Kolb, Lampe was hoping to finally get Belvin to agree to one of his ridiculous trades. No representative from Team Alpha was available for comment.
“American doesn’t negotiate with terrorist. So why the (expletive delete) would I?” Belvin said when asked why he didn’t just make the trade with Lampe. “Lampe offered me a trade everyday for Bradshaw. I told him I would rather start one quarterback then make a trade with him.”
And that seems to be exactly what he is doing. Not wanting to make team crippling decisions with Rothlisburgers return looming. Still, even though he looks to start one quarterback during this weeks matchup against Dutch Master (1-3), Belvin remains confident in his team.
“Last year we were ‘2 Belvins 1 cup’; I guess on Sunday we’ll be ‘1 Belvin 1 quarterback’.”