Tuesday, June 28, 2011

CM PUNK: The New Piper, or man of the People?

Raw seemed to be wrapping up in typical fashion. John Cena had just cost himself a win over R Truth in a tables match by allowing himself to be distracted by the cunning CM Punk. Truth, who is riding the biggest push of his life, takes advantage and spears Cena through a table (it was a tables match after all). Another win by a superstar trying to make something out of himself, only it means nothing because it had to come with a catch. The matches gimmick may change, but the outcome stays the same. Another Business as Usual Raw.

With only 5 minutes remaining on Raw, that was about to change. CM Punk left the ring side area, walked to the top of the entrance ramp, and took a seat. And then he proceeded to throw a monkey wrench into the 'business as usual' machine's gears.

While Cena remained on the mat in the ring, selling the effects of the match's finish, Punk took his seat (criss cross apple sauce) at the top of the ramp and began to do what he does best: He started to talk.

I'm going to take a break right there because I know alot of you who are reading this are saying things like 'What are you talking about?' 'Why are you talking about wrestling?' and most importantly for the scope of the rest of the post, ‘Who the fuck is CM Punk?'

Here is what you need to know about CM Punk: He lives a straightedge lifestyle ( no booze, drugs etc), he has given business to some of the hottest chicks wrestling has to offer, and for the last two years he had developed a holier than thou heel gimmick based around his previous face gimmick of the Straight Edge Superstar. Basically it started with him chastising people for abusing prescription pills and drinking beer. Since then, he has become a type of cult leader/messiah character and his positioned himself as one of the top heels in all of pro wrestling.

As of right now, CM Punk has challenged the WWE Champion John Cena for his title at Money in the Bank with the hopes that he can win the title and walk out of the company (Punk's real life contract negotiations have publically not gone as planned and is being reported that he is leaving) with their belt.

The storyline already has the legs to be the most compelling story in awhile. But then Punk took his seat like a first grader waiting for 'show and tell' while we sat at home not know what the hell Punk had brought from home. When it came time for Punk's turn in "show and tell" he picked up his mic and he "showed" us truth- and "told" us everything.

Unfortunately, my journalistic ability is not skilled enough to describe Punk's scathing promo. Fortunately, we live in the age of the internet, and I found the transcript. So with out further ado here is Punk's instantly infamous promo:

"John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this, because before I leave in three weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I wanna get off my chest.

"I don't hate you, John. I don't even dislike you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate... this idea... that you're the best... because you're not. I'm the best. I'm the best in the world.

There's one thing you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Vince McMahon's ass. You're as good at kissing Vince's ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don't know if you're as good as Dwayne... he's a pretty good ass-kisser... always was and still is.

Oops... I'm breaking the fourth wall. [Punk waves to the camera.] I am the best... wrestler... in the world. I've been the best ever since Day One when I walked into this company, and I've been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit.

That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar... and he split, just like I'm splittin', but the biggest difference between me and Brock is that I'm going to leave with the WWE Championship.

I've grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon's imaginary brass rings that it's finally dawned on me that they're just that. They're completely imaginary. The only thing that's real is me, and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I've proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, and even on commentary. Nobody can touch me.

And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I'm not on your lovely little collectors' cups, I'm not on the cover of the program, I'm barely promoted, I don't get to be in movies, I'm not on any crappy show on the USA Network, I'm not on the poster of WrestleMania, I'm not on the signature that's produced at the start of the show.

I'm not on Conan O'Brian, I'm not on Jimmy Fallon, but the fact of the matter is I should be, and trust me, this isn't sour grapes, but the fact that "Dwayne" is in the main event of WrestleMania next year and I'm not makes me sick!

Oh hey, let me get something straight, those of you who are cheering me right now... you are just as big a part of me leaving as anyone else, because you're the ones sipping out of those collector cups right now, you're the ones that buy those programs that my face isn't on the cover of, and then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face thinking you can get an autograph and sell it on eBay because you're too lazy to get a real job.

I'm leaving with the WWE championship on July 17 and hell, who knows, maybe I'll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling... maybe I'll go back to Ring of Honor... [Punk waves to the camera again] hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?

The reason I'm leaving is you people because after I'm gone you're still going to pour money into this company -- I'm just a spoke on the wheel -- the wheel's gonna keep turning. And I understand that... that Vince McMahon's gonna make money despite himself... he's a millionaire who should be a billionaire... you know why he's not a billionaire?

It's because he surrounds himself with glad-handing nonsensical [censored] yes-men like John Lauranitis, who's gonna tell him everything he wants to hear... and I'd like to think that maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon is dead, but the fact is it's gonna get taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.

Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon. You know we do this whole bully campaign..." (Microphone is cut off. Punk hits the mic a few times, says something inaudible, yells "I've been silenced", and we fade to black.)

So if you are keeping track at home, the WWE closed their last live taping in two weeks with CM Punk delivering a shoot style (shoot means it was real. Not something that is meant to add to a story line. Now this wasn't exactly a shoot, rather it was intended to feel like one) promo where we saw him seemingly torch most of the promo taboo's Vince McMahon has installed in his company. In 5 glorious minutes, Punk buried The Rock. He mentioned former employees (Hogan, Heyman, Lesnar, and Colt Cabana) he spoke about other companies, he hypothesized about the company’s health after McMahon dies, and buried Stephanie McMahon and HHH as his successors.

He was seriously a Chris Benoit mention away from having instigated an IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) riot.

In five minutes he reposition himself from possibly being this generations Roddy Piper into this generations Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin had a rocket shoved up his ass and became one of the three most popular wrestlers ever after the same time of worked/shoot promo. He beat Jake Roberts at the 96 king of the Ring and then followed it up with a promo suggesting Roberts start drinking again and questioned his religious beliefs (famously, the line is " Talk about your pslams, you talk about your John 3:16- well Austin 3:16 says, ' I just whooped your ass'!").

We all know what happened following that. The Grumpy Redneck eventually started to disobey his boss, much to the delight of the paying customers causing every male between the ages of 15-25 to own a Steve Austin t shirt (I got one by hand-me-down from my uncle and it was a prized possession).

Is the same trajectory in the cards for Punk? We don't know. Here is what we do know as of right now: We know that if Punk stays, he has ready made storylines now. This Cena thing can carry for a few months. Then he can go into another mainevent worthy program with HHH if he chooses to return just off the comments he made. If Punk stays, he's got big pay checks ahead of him.

We also now know Vince McMahon loves himself some CM Punk.

CM Punk is reportedly stepping away(for atleast a moment) from the WWE, yet Vince is putting him in the mainevent of a Pay Per View. This in itself isn't rare. Shit, it just happened last year when Batista was leaving. Alot of wrestlers on their way out the door get built up, just so they can lose and put over the guy who is staying around. Make the guy staying around look as strong as possible. It's smart business.

The anomoly here is the promo itself. So much of it was intended to be above the majority of the audience ( ie. children and the parents who are with said children) that it almost seemed like a 19 year old internet fan boy wrote it. All of the WWE's content has been dumbed down and child proofed over the last few years in attempt to build a new fan base. So why would Vince McMahon allow this promo to sneak by the goalie?

Well we won't know the definative answer till atleast Money in the Bank, but by allowing him to show some 'attitude' it helps Punk's credabillity in getting it over as a shoot and not something that was written out for him. If you watched that promo live, you know that it felt real.

It felt like a pissed off employee, who knows he is on his way out the door, telling everyone he doesn't like to go fuck themselves. It was a more serious version of the speach Jim Brewer gave in Half Baked when he quite his job.

It felt like Austin (adding to the metaphore, please notice if you watch the video that he is wearing an Austin shirt).

From what I know about Vince McMahon, this sounds like either he has a ironclad relationship with Mr. Punk, or Punk has photo's of Vince banging a 12 year old boy. I am not willing to rule out either at this point. I guess we'll find out more on July 17th.

My prediction: Nothing comes of this. WWE is just giving the adult wrestling fans a brief dick tease to get us to buy a pay per view we typically would've pirated. Punk is on his way out, Cena continue's his title reign (which will last a year so his match with The Rock will be a title match), and I consume a bottle of tylonol after I allowed myself to think the WWE I once loved was on it's way back.

My Hope: Punk has signed a contract already under the stipulation that they run this angle. He ends up beating Cena at that pay per view and in the process the fans completely turn on Cena for being a bitch. This leads to a much needed Cena character change, and Punk rising as this generations Austin- culminating in a Hart v Austin- like blow off match at Wrestlemania 28 with... wait for it.... wait... Chris Jericho. Then I go out and reup my cable so I can begin watching Raw on Monday nights again religiously.

I need a cigerette.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ramlings: The Return

June is shaping up to be a great month. The Mavericks beat the Heat, I found material to actually write about (and found time to do it in), and The Mariners are still competative. Also, we are balls deep into the Summer Movies (and much like writing, I actually have found time to few them).

Since the Summer Blockbuster season officially starts in May, lets ramble through some thoughts about what I've seen so far (and whats coming up).

  • Fast and Furious was phenominal. I loved every minute of this shit movie. This franchise is so corney its only a matter of time before Paul Walker breaks the fourth wall and winks after a one liner. That being said, they found a lane, stuck to it, and are taking it straight to the bank. Fast Six, yes please.

  • Thor was awesome. It was even educational for some. Take my brother for example, because of Thor we had this exchange: "Do you think Actors do steroids?" Jesse asked me, while looking at a picture of Chris Hemsworth. "Yes." I replied blankly. You see, now Jesse knows steroids aren't just for athletes and the dudes on Jersey Shore.

  • Never thought I'd say this but maybe it's time we stop making Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

  • Holy shit, they made a Moneyball Movie. For those of you who don't know what that is, allow me to explain: Moneyball was a book written by Oakland Athletics GM Billy Beane about how he built a competative franchise in a broke ass market; in a sport that has no sallary cap; which in turn allows big market teams (ie. New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, New York Mets) to spend more money annually than some countries GNP.

  • If that isn't enough, this movie will star Brad Pitt (as Beane) Phillip Seymore Hoffman ( as manager Art Howe) and Jonah Hill (as a scout).

  • I hope they handle the rampant steroid use of those early 2000's A's teams with Kid Gloves (remember: those teams featured Miguel Tejada and Jason Giambi).

  • X-Men: First Class was awesome. This was a refreshing change of pace because X Men: The Last Stand and Wolverine were abortions. Hey Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy just called you a bitch.

  • The only regret I had about the movie was the fact that the red dude with Nightcrawlers powers didn't have a scene where he was throwing googly eyes at Mystique (who is Nightcrawlers mom in the comics). I can't be the only person who thought about this.

  • Nice work by Hugh Jackman in his cameo. Easily his best work in years, and the first time in 8 years that he donned the Wolverine garb and it looked like he gave a shit.

  • Hangover 2: proved my 2 year theory that if you took the original Hangover, told us it was in Asia, put a transvesite (and have her show the dick), and put a 2 after it- we will all still watch it.

  • The Fiance recently went out to rent a movie and came back with a movie I've never heard of. By itself, this is not amazing. The feat is that she hadn't heard of the movie either, but chose to rent it because it had Zach Galifianakis on the cover. Boy, he's come along way since Out Cold.

  • Green Lantern lookes like a steaming pile of shit. And this is coming from the same guy who has seen Van Wilder 17 million times.

  • Captain America looks like the opposite of Green Lantern.

  • Anytime I see the Bad Teacher trailer I have a raging internal debate that never seems to find any resolution: Is Cameron Diaz hot? I don't think she has gave me a boner since I was 12 (which was a time when the wind caused by someone walking by me could've made little me stand up), but I see this preview and I can't help thinking to myself, "she has a good surgeon."

I had originally planned to wrap this up right here, but something pretty monsterous happend for the Mariners last night. With the Philladelphia Phillies in town last night our organizations most anticipated prospect since Felix Hernandez. Dustin Ackley mades his debute last night at 2b going 1-4 and turning a double play. If that weren't enough, the Mariners won. So far so good.

Felix takes the mound tonight, sorry Philladelphia.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Awesome Speculation: Lebron to the Nets.

Dallas won in 6, which was called here before the finals. Suck on that, People who don't read me religiously. I'm not going to write a recap or anything like that, because it would be boring. What I am going to do though, is bring you inside a conversation I had with some buddies today about what the Heat should do. Thats alot more interesting of a read.

That being said, what does Miami do now? I think it's very possible, and realistic, that Miami enjoys their extended vacation this summer, drink their Moheeto's and try and add to their already star studded foundation for next season, then prepare to burn the league down for 60 wins (or 40 depending on when the season starts).

But fuck that, this is the internet-where careless speculation and shitty journalism is king! I will continue it's proud tradition and run wild with a rumor I made up on Facebook today.

Keep in mind, this will not be about what I WANT to happen. Selfishly, I WANT Lebron to come to Portland (or demand a trade back to Cleveland where they can have a live special called, "The Apology" where him and Dan Gilbert hug it out on ESPN). But thats not going to happen. So this is what SHOULD happen.

Pat Riley in the next week should either look at this team and decide it's not going to work, or Lebron and Wade need to come to the conclusion that they can't play together. I don't care how it happens, but the subject of making a trade needs to come up.

Are they going to trade Wade? No. That would be in direct violation to the 11th commandment, " Thou shalt not trade franchise player, if he has brought you a championship, whilst he is still in his prime."

Are they going to trade Chris Bosh? I guess they could, but despite the fact that he is so much fun to make fun of, he isn't the problem. If it were just Bosh and James, or Bosh and Wade, he would produce better than he has. What did you expect from him? You took a guy who from age 19 to age 26 was 'Franchise Player' and told him he was now the 3rd Banana. Increase his role, and you get more production. The dude is sensative like that.

So that leaves LeBron James. The once King. The man whose 4th quarter vanishing act is quickly erasing 8 seasons of legendary production. He is the guy who doesn't belong, and he also happens to be the guy who the Heat would get more value in return for. Picture this:

On Draft day(right before the NBA goes into Lockout Mode), Mikhail Prokhorov and his New Jersey (soon to be Brooklyn) Nets trade Brook Lopez and Deron Williams to the Miami Heat that for Lebron James.

Did that just blow your mind? It should've. (Need more convincing? Good, because I got more words to write.)

Why would this not work? Prokhorov wants Lebron. Deron Williams doesn't want to be a Net. Lebron and Wade go together about as well as Meth and Parenting. If Miami makes this move, they get good. Scratch that, they get SCARY GOOD. Their lineup looks like Deron Williams, Dawayne Wade, Brook Lopez, Chris Bosh and I'm guessing Mike Miller. It actually doesn't matter who they have at the small forward position in that lineup, they could start me (if they wanted a discount) and still rip off 63 wins. That line up is nasty. It features 4 potential All Stars, ages ranging between 23 to 29, who would actually compliment each other's games.

Lets break it down further. Deron Williams (26 years old) is arguably the best point guard alive. Last year, he average 20 points and 10 assists a game while splitting time with two lottery bound franchises. Though Lebron is a more valuable player then Deron Williams, you aren't going to notice a production downgrade, since Lebrons Miami role was the distributor. Williams, who is has averaged a shade under 10 assists a game for his career, is better in that role than Lebron (again, he's the best point guard alive).

This also would solve any lingering Alpha Dog issues that James and Wade might've had. Or developed. This isn't a knock on Williams or Lebron. But the Miami Heat are and always will be Dawaynes team. Miami is Dawaynes town. Players don't give up their king dick status while they are still in their prime. I don't think Lebron understood he would be second fiddle when he joined up (Lebron has not returned my text's to confirm this theory).

I don't think D-Will would have the same complications that Lebron did.

Is Deron Williams good enough to be a franchise player? Hell yes. I would sell The Fiance into slavery for D-Will to wear black the rest of his career. But he doesn't come with resume (or the hype) that Lebron does. Lebron can enjoy throwing pretty passes all he wants, but at the end of the day, the man was made to get buckets. Lebron his whole career has been stacked up agains Michael Jordan. Deron is compared to Chris Paul. There is alot less pressure on Deron to put up gawdy fantasy stats than Lebron, which in turn would allow him to focus on filling his distributor role (again, 10 assists a game) and winning games.

Then there is Brook Lopez (23 years old), who isn't even completely done with puberty and has career averages of 17 and 7 (with almost 2 blocks a game). You bring him on this team and not only is your front court leaps and bound better on both ends, but it would also free up Chris Bosh to go do more Boshian things-like shoot jump shots. Bosh wants to play in that midrange area, not bang on the block. That's why Miami struggled at times this year, both Bosh and Lebron seemed to be allergic to the post. Miami was a great defesnive team this year. Lopez covering the paint makes them better.

For New Jersey, they get the star they once coveted, and have arguably the best franchise building block to build their team around as they prepare to move into their new Brooklyn located arena in 2012. What better way to pack out a new arena then have a lineup that features a 2 time MVP ( who will be 27 heading into that season).

It just makes more sense for Lebron to be a Net than it does for him to be the a Heat. He has once a genration talent. He is capable of turning a 19 win team into a 63 win team. You don't even have to put much around him (Mo Williams is NOT good). But he has to be the guy. He played a convincing Scottie Pippen this year, but as we learned over the last two weeks, it was just an act. He needs to have people adhere to his wishes, laugh at his jokes and say to yes to his every demand. Not yell at him in Game 3 of the NBA finals on national TV.

He needs to be a King, not a Side Kick.

And if Lebron really did just want to play with his friends, and thats why he went to Miami in the first place, well the Nets can offer that to him too. The Nets could use that cap room that they got when they unloaded half their roster at the deadline, (assuming they will use their amensty clause on Travis Outlaw's crippling contract) which will be roughly 30 million dollars off the books and bring in a player like Chris Paul. Chris Paul and Lebron James are reportadly very good friends, Paul used to train with him in Cleveland. Maybe they aren't able to bring him in before the 2011 season, but they would absolutely have him by the summer of 2012.

Plus Lebron just got done with the first year of a 5 year contract and Williams is a Free Agent after the 2011-2012 season, and doesn't appear to be anxious to be a Net(Lebron has an opt out after year 3, but thats still two guarenteed years). I feel like sending Lebron to a team that has won a total of 36 games in two years would make everyone feel sorry for him again. And after the first time he puts up a 45-15-13 against a playoff bound team- love him again.

And once again, the King would be the King again, and everyone would live happily ever after.

Of course for a number of reasons this will never happen. For one, The Heat aren't going to trade away the most talented player alive (even if it makes their team better). And the other reason, David Stern will do everything in his power to make sure "Lebron Against the World" gets renewed for a second season. Or atleast for a partial season since the NBA will be locked out after June 30th.

Damn, thats depressing.

Side note: According to ESPN's trade machine the trade works. The Nets would go into the off season with over 20 million in cap (and that doesn't include their cap figure after the Russian takes Travis Outlaw fishing at the Corleone's lake house).

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Shawn Marion-Not Crappy?

Before game 5 I was writing a piece where I used the internet to shit all over Shawn Marion. The scope of the piece was about how Shawn Marion is awful and if Miami ends up winning the series they should heavily consider sending him in an honory Championship Ring. Due to a dispute over the accuracy of my points with my buddy Rob, I decided to scrap it.

For the last year, Rob has lived in Dallas and as atended 30+ games for the Mavericks this year (including all 5 games against Portland). I decided to give him a call to see if he want to join me in my bashing of Marion's game. After all, who better to talk shit about a player than someone who watches him first hand.

He declined the invitation. He didn't have anything to add because he didn't agree with what I was saying. "Yeah he wasn't good during the regular season, but he's been playing great in the playoffs." Rob said to me.

Bull shit, I thought. I've been watching the Mavericks for 7 weeks now, and I was at game 4 in the Blazers series; shit, I personally watched the Artist Formerly Known as Brandon Roy pick him apart at will. No way could someone label Shawn Marions playoff performance anything other than 'putrid'. I decided to check the numbers, after all, my journalistic integrity was in question here.

Upon further review, Shawn Marion has been playing his ass off.

I know, I know, it's shocking. But the numbers confirm this. He is giving 12 points, 6 reb's, a block and a steal all while spending majority of the time guarding the oppositions best player. Over the last 16 games, Marion has spent time guarding Brandon Roy, Nic Batum, Gerald Wallace, Kobe Bryant, Lamar Odom, Kevin Durrant, and now Lebron James and Chris Bosh.

I thought he'd been playing like shit, but Dallas keeps on winning and he has had the misfortune of drawing some pretty gnarly defensive assignments.

So I paid extra attention to him during game 5, and I'm simply astonished on how off I was. Don't get me wrong, the dude isn't Scottie Pippen; but he also isn't Amare Stoudamire. His work on Lebron was at times so inspired, it left me giggling like a girl. Everytime ABC showed a close up of his on ball defesne on Lebron, you would get his mouth moving what seemed normal speed (but the rest of the screen was in slow motion) and LeBitch looking frustrated.

True, Lebron ended up having a good statistical game. Especially for a second banana (a 17 point triple double), but Shawn Marion's defense clearly frustrated him. And once again, by the forth quarter the 2 time MVP was a complete non factor.

It's just unfortunate, really. I would like nothing other then to post what I had written about him. I had some witty anecdotes and a LEGENDARY 1 liner ( about Shawn Marions jump shot being the retarded love child of a chest pass and a 12 year girls shot), but I will not stand here and have my credibillity be compromised in favor of a joke. Point is, here at ClinicallyAwesome, we give credit where credit is due. The Mavericks deserve credit. Shawn Marion deserves credit.

Lebron James does not. He is a bitch.

Dallas is wraping up this series tomorrow in Miami.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here we are in June and still competative...

We are two months through the 2011 MLB season and by the wondful grace of God, The Mariners are not only still competative, they are 3 games above five hundred. As I write this they are 31-28.

Yes, I'm aware it's chilly in hell today.

Hell's climate aside, the Mariners have managed to salvage an early season replication of last season's hitting woes, and are currently playing a brand of ball that can be described as, "not shitty enough to lose." If Felix gives up 2 runs, believe the offense is going to squeeze out less then five.

It hasn't been the prettiest product, but at the end of the day, winning is the best form of makeup.

And thats what the Mariners keep doing- winning. Since April 21st they are 24- 15, and more recently they have won their last 6 series' (a feat they haven't accomplished since 2001-when they won 116 games).

That being said, I still don't think they're good. I believe they have the best pitching in the American League, but their hitting still leaves alot to be desired. Is their lineup better then last year? Yeah, I think so. Are they watchable? Shit yeah. After last year, I was starving for wins. So each time they squeeze out an ugly 3-2 game- it's better than porn.

Maybe the bats start heating up. Last night they took their 3 game out of a 4 game series with Tampa Bay. They did it by a fun combonation of pitching AND hitting. The outscored Tampa in the four games 27-10 (including 8 home runs). It's been a nice change of pace, but I won't hold my breath. After all, Chone Figgins still has an every day starting spot in that batting order, despite the fact he couldn't hit my curve ball.

Actually, while we are on the subject- lets me talk to"Chauncy". Dude, there is shame in calling it quits. You will still get your money. The Mariners are owned my Nintendo, you know they're good for it. So there is no reason for you to be playing anymore. You're hurting your team, yourself, shit you have to be embarrassing the hell out of your family.

Chone, think about your family.

They miss you. It's time to for you to rest that hangnail you've been battling and ride the 60 Day DL. Your family needs you at home, and we need Mike Carp and Dustin Ackley in Seattle. Hastiness in handling this situation would be appreciated.

Seattle starts a road trip today with 3 in Chicago then 4 in detroit. Heres to hoping they come back still above .500.

PS. Greg Halman, welcome back to the bigs. Your cup of coffee last year was dog shit ( 4/30. 5 total bases) but last night you seemed to live up to the potential. 3 hits, including two balls smashed to opposite field (1 for a triple and 1 for a 'holy shit that might be out' fly ball). My point is this, I know the kid isn't going to bat .750 all season-but last night he made one hell of an impression. Lets hope you can keep it up- and play 3rd base. Maybe?