Most of you, as I did this morning, probably asked the same thing. "Holy crapola, what did he do?" I mean it had to have been borderline OJ to get his sponsorship revoked, right? I mean this is a company who is not used to promoting Icons. It's not like they can cut Phelps and just make another commercial with someone like Kobe Bryant. This is a company who for years has been defined by a fat guy who aquired a cult-like popularity by losing a ton of weight walking to their stores and inhailing their sandwiches.
So Phelps had to have done something legendary, right? I mean, maybe not OJ level, but definitely somewhere around Barry Bonds.
Perhaps he didn't kill anyone, but maybe he did get caught for cheating. Olympic athletes get busted after the fact all the time, right Marion Jones? Maybe his name was getting brought up in Roid scandles, Lance Armstrong style. Or maybe, he pee'd on young under aged girls, was stupid enough to film it, and even more retarded to let it "leak" on the internet.
(unrelated rant: If you are doing something illegal, and you are of someone of fame, and you are stupid enough to film it-Please, for the love of all that is decent, KEEP THAT SHIT HIDDEN. Lock it in a safe. Stuff it in your underwear drawer. Treat it like you are 14 years old again and it is the porno magazine that you stole from your older cousin and don't want your mom to know about. Also, and R. Kelly this is directed towards you, you are rich, good looking, black man and a talented singer. Girls of all ages want to give you the good stuff. We are talking about the same creatures that volunteer to bang reality stars. You are a platinum singer. They should be lining up for you.
You could probably talk any girl into take a golden shower. So do us all a favor and pick one thats over 18. It's not tough. In fact it's probably easier because by that age most of them have silenced their sense of morality.
Now what did the Gold Medalist do to lost his sandwich supporting credibility? He hit the bong.
What is the big deal? Sure, weed is illegal, but so is selling crack and Jay-Z has 10 albums about doing just that. Yet we still know that he LOVES his HP computer. Brandon Marshall, Wide Receiver for the Denver Broncos will be representing the AFC in the Pro Bowl on Sunday, despite missing a game this year for consistently getting in trouble for domestic violence. Isn't that special?
Or how about the fact that for the last 8 years we've had a president who is a reformed alcoholic, and has allegedly (and not denied, according to the New York Times used cocaine in the past. According to the same article, our former president had been recorded saying things like he wouldn't answer the questions about marijuana usage during his presidency campaign because, "I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.” AND HE BECAME OUR PRESIDENT!
But I digress. The thing is, Phelps has numerous sponsors, all of which got over it. Well except Subway and Kelloggs. Who have opted to take a moral high ground and cut ties with him all over a picture.
Couple things that wierd me out about this. One, we don't even know that it is weed he is smoking (stay with me here, my point is far fetched but I promise their is legitimacy in it). When you got purchase any type of smoking equpment, especially that of a bong, their is signage all around the stores that say "for Tobacco use only". Yes it is unlikely that someone would pay good money for a bong to smoke tobacco, it is possible. It is their "official" useage.
So I guess it is legal to buy a bong, but it is cause for termination to have a picture of you using it. Even though it has not be confirmed that it was used for illegal purposes? I think Kellogg and Subway are just assuming, maybe because once upon a time they were 23 and they too were participating in a photo opp with a tabacco intended smoking lamp. And maybe, just maybe their alligations are supported by their own experiences-making them hypocrites.
Second, I find it odd that SUBWAY of all companies would not want to be associated with this. Sure, it is not desired publicity. But when was the last time you walked into a Subway, and ordered a sandwhich from someone other then a red eyed, goofy talking 17 year old who smells like he has the Greatful Deads Greatest hits in the cd player of his 88 Honda Accord. Congratulations Subway, you just allianated half your employees and customers.
So lets recap: Jay-Z, former drug dealer, and allegedly involved in a club stabbing (SUPRISE). Who cares, HP sure doesn't. Robert Downy Jr, legendary drug addict and alcoholic. Shhh, don't tell Paramount, because they invested a billion dollar movie franchise in him.
Michael Phelps, 14 gold medals and still has one more Olympic competition left in him, but was photographed smoking from a bong and all of a sudden he is too morally suspect to tell us to eat sandwiches. I don't get it.
Heres what I do know, Quiznos and General Mills have a golden nug (pun intended) that has just fallen unto their laps. They can now spite the mortal enemies, Subway and Kelloggs by sponosring the Olympic hero. Four years from now, when Phelps goes for another 6 to 8 gold medals they can reap ALL the benifits.
Trust me Quiznos, Gerneral Mills. It's a wise investment. He is not a bad dude, in fact he is quite a good dude. He's just 23. Like me, and all my buddies he has flaws. Like all of us, he may make a bad decision. Who cares. He's freaking human.
Yeah he screwed up. It was not wise to get photographed with a bong in his position. It doesn't matter wether he was smoking gaunge or tobacco, the public has one association for that device. And for the rest of his competive career he will be a victim of public opinion. That being said, it's a breath of fresh air to see him own up to it though. Truly and inspiration.
And in my opinion that makes Michael Phelps a true American Hero.
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