Then it dawned on me. Jesse is watching the game in real time. We aren't too far behind real time. That can't be good.
My nervousness rocketed up to unprecidented levels. The Seahawks, who had the lead at that point 34-30, in a game they had no business being in, were looking like they were trying to hand the game back to the Saints.
After they took a two touchdown lead with 5:27 in the 3rd Quarter, Seattle promptly gave up 10 un answered points and squandered away 3 drives totaling 12 plays for 7 yards causing me to look for a sharp object to impale myself on. I can't believe I dooped myself into thinking we were going to pull this out.
My stomach twisted up like a crazy straw. It was the same feeling as if you walked in on your girlfriend banging your cousin. WHEN they blow this game I'm going to throw up, I thought.
Fast forward to 4 minutes 20 seconds remaining in the fourth. The Saints had come back to make it a 34-30 game and had successfully eliminated any hope me or my buddies had in our team holding on to the upset and shocking the world. It didn't look good at all.
And then my phone rang.
I knew my brother was watching it in real time so something big must've happened and Seattle looked awful. The crazy straw kept twisting. Nothing good could've possibly happened, I kept thinking.
All the outcomes that kept flying through my head were the negatives Seattle had avoided all afternoon. I was sure either Hasselbeck through a pick that got taken back for 6, we fumbled, or the Saints took a punt return back to take the lead.
I wasn't 'glass half empty' I was glass is completely dry.
Then it happend. Following a first down play from the 33 where Marshawn Lynch was brick walled, they handed it right back to the the dreadlocked half back. At first, he looked doomed. He takes the ball to the left only to met by a wall of golden hats. Lynch, like all self centered pro-athletes thought he could salvage the un-saveable situation. He shifts his direction from the left back over to the right side, sheds some defenders and finds a little room.
He manages to shake a 2 man tackle to get it back to the right side and pass the first down marker. Oh man, he just saved that run. Breaks another tackle and now he was in open field. Oh shit, he's a monster.
(Please take a moment to enjoy the end of Tracy Porters self confidence.)
Pure meyham breaks out in my appartment. Did that really just happen? That was the type of play that if it were to happen on Madden, someone is throwing their controller and giving up. It was the type of play that destroys opponents wills. It was the type of play that makes fans believe, 100 %, they're team will win. It was the type of play that wins games.
It's EXACTLY the type of play that doesn't happen to a Northwest team.
In my life time, Edgar Martinez' double in '95 is still the greatest sports moment ever for any of my teams. It wasn't a play, it was a moment. Untill Sunday, Jordan Babineaux tackle on Romo in the 2007 playoffs, and Roy's half court buzzer beater against the Rockets were 2 and 3.
You can officially chalk the Marshawn Lynch's run into the number 2 spot.
The rest of the night I was experiencing what can only be described as a naturaul high. I had a fixed shit eating grin on my face, and I was giggling like a 13 year old girl with a crush. The Seahawks were 7-9, but being that our division was historically awful, we got in the playoffs. We were tasked with the defending champion, New Orleans Saints. We had no business winning that game, but thats exactly what we did. Last night we shocked the world. I can't describe the joy I felt (even writing that paragraph warmed my chest up like a shot of Jack).
Now I don't expect anything to really come from this win. In fact, I would bet that Seattle's season comes to an end next week. But no matter what happens next week, we can hang our hat on the fact that when no one thought we could win ( or that we belonged in the playoffs) we stood up on our two feet and punched the Saints in the mouth.
Point is, we beat the champions and I can't imagine a championship feeling that much better then this.
(if it does, I may explode.)
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