He is just SO good at his old job. I'm embarrassed that I needed a 20 minute promo to remember that.
During that 20 minute promo, I became a 13 year old flipping the channel to the WWF when mom wasn't looking again. Watching him in that ring I remembered why he was my favorite wrestler. Shit, he was the reason why my relationship with pro wrestling went from a curiosity to a life long love.
I just sat there, watching him verbally destroy John Cena in a fashion that I have often dreamt about. It's long been my wrestling fantasy ( as well as any male who remembers the Attitude era) that the Rock would one day return to his roots and verbally shit all over John Cena. It played out exactly how I'd want it to. He mocked him, questioned his ball sack and basically called Cena out for being bland and forced down our throats. It was simply magical.
I'm going to try and not get my hopes up too much, because I don't think he'll be here long. Despite the fact that he said "he has returned" and he's "never going to leave again" I don't believe that will translate into a match. But it's fun to think about. I can't even imagine how insane a Rock v Cena match would be. I can safely say, it would be the most anticipated match of my wrestling fan life (second place would be Jericho vs Aj Styles, but I digress).
This just reminds me of how fickle the wrestling business is. A year ago I refused to watch WWE any longer. I was done with their bull shit PG programing. It is impossible to suspend reality when the wrestlers aren't allowd to cuss or bleed. It's hard to support a company that bans moves for being too dangerous when they're pulled off safely and successfully in other companies. Stop hiring shit heads and your guys will remain healthy.
But here we are, a year later and I'm back in. WWE seems to be easing up on the PG attitude a little ( CM Punk threatened self sacrafice, and The Rock was able to do his thing) and they actually have some interesting storys being told right now. And predicably, I'm starting to get real excited for Wrestlemania.
Of course this could all change Sunday by letting Jerry Lawler beat The Miz, but thats for a different rant.
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