Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ClinicallyAwesome is 1 year old

It's a happy day to be Clinically Awesome. One year. One whole year I've been babbling blog style and sodomizing your minds with my words. Yes, this is big time.

One year ago I wrote about the "safety" game, posting my first blog outside of my myspace and started an internet revolution. It's been called the biggest thing to happen to the internet since Janet Jackson's titty fell out. You hear that mom?! I'm bigger the Janet Jacksons titty! Seriously, step up take a bow, you should be proud.

Basically, I've made it.

Don't worry, I haven't allowed all my success to go to my head. Sure, i have my moments but whats the point of being an undeserving celebrity if you're not taking advantage of some of the perks?! Plus, who is turning down a sexual throw down with Kim Kardashian in a Womens bath room stall of a TGIFridays? Not this guy, thats who.

Other then a few altercations and purchases I've kept a pretty stable head on my shoulders. No diva fits here. Unless you count the incident in July when I was speaking at a writers convention in Tulsa. This little pole smoker of a man who was hosting the event knew damn well to have a bowl full of blue M&M's ready for my enjoyment. So what did I have waiting for me? Green M&M's. Green? Really? Someone needed to learn his colors, and foot is a perfect instructor. He had beautiful shades of blues and purples on his dome after class.

The thing that has been hard to get used to is how people react to me now. I wish they'd treat me like they did before I launched the site, but I guess it's hard when I have people like the Cast of Tv's The Big Bang Theory consuming my written word.

Ok, lets face it. I'm pretty much a big deal.

Speaking of Celebs lets find out what some of them have been saying about this site over the year:

Jessica Alba, " Everytime I read this site I remember what my first orgasm felt like." Yes, yes she does.

50 Cent, " This shit blows me away like gun shots." He should know, he got shot nine times.

Tom Brady, " Sometimes I read this on the road, when I'm away from my wife and kid. No matter what happened that day it brings a smile to my face." You're welcome Tom. Now stop losing me money.

John Cena, " Me and the boys of the WWE get a big kick out of this site everytime it's updated. Keep it up, man" Uh, John this isn't for you. This is awkward, but I'd appreciate it if you'd stop reading.

But for the rest of you, thanks for reading. I appreciate it. Keep on doing it and I'll keep on writing it.


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