Monday, January 10, 2011

Spoiling the Natty

#1 Auburn vs #2 Oregon start in 25 minutes and I'm at work. The first time the University of Oregon has made the National Championship, and I'm being told to "fuck off" over and over again while stuck in my cubi-hell. Is this fair?

Hold on, let me start over. I'm not complaining. I'm still buzzing from a weekend that featured the Seahawks shocking the world, a night out with the Fiance and my buddies, and Mr. Anderson winning the TNA title last night.

I've also got the game DVR'd. So I will be able to watch it-eventually.

The problem lies in these dickweeds around me. The game is less then a half hour away, and I have explicitly threatened the lives of everyone within ear shot. Yet as we get closer to the game, I can hear more and more chatter about it. I swear on all that is sacred in this world there will be a public execution if someone spoils ANYTHING for me.

I don't care if it's as simple as, 'Cam Newton highfived a camera man on the way out for his first drive.' I will rip the offenders heart out and eat it in front of their loved ones.

I've got tonight planned down to the t. The Boys are coming over, we're getting pizza and beer, and we're going to support Phill Knights boys all the way to their first championship.

Yes, I hope and think Oregon wins tonight. The over under is 74, I'm going to take the over and say the final 45-31 Oregon.

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