Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dude, I'm scared.

Before I begin lets get one thing straight. Weed is not a drug. It's a plant. It's no worse the tobacco, and certainly not worse the booze. You parents have tried it. Successful people do it. It's not a drug.

Drugs are bad. Weed is not. Therefore weed is not a drug.

By definition they, drugs, are a waste of fucking time. They are for losers and wastes of space. It' doesn't matter whether it's Coke, heroin, Meth, pills whatever the fuck, it's all bad. There is no justification. 

This conversation is not ever going to happen:
Dude Doing Drugs "oh man, I'm doing (insert drug of choice here)"
Friend Who Doesn't Do Drugs "Why man?! Drugs are bad!"
DDD" Because man, (insert half ass reason for justification for killing yourself)"
FWDD "Oh, that makes a ton of fucking sense. Lets do it together!"

Tonight I had a buddy (and by buddy I mean probably one of my three best friends) tell me they've been doing a few of the previously named shit head substances recently (and at an alarming pace). I immediately went into, and remain in absolute shock. I wasn't sure what to say. At first, I just got real quiet, and REAL angry. How can this happen. This has got to be a tasteless joke. I mean, I knew he wasn't all there. I've always known that. Hell, thats what our friendship is based on. We aren't there. We both had a hint of self destruction, and have a lot of fun exploiting that.

But drugs, especially of this magnitude, is insane. It doesn't make sense. I've been sitting on this knowledge for an hour and half and still can't wrap my head around it.

I mean REALLY DUDE!?!? 

Seriously dude, what the fuck. You have so much shit going for you and you just want to fuck it all up. I know you grew up rough. I get that. I also get that coming from where I come from I can't fully grasp that. But dude, your life isn't bad. You have a good job, and a ton of friends that love you. 

And I'm not throwing the Love word around like 17 year old BFF's either.  I mean it man. We are as close as brothers, and to hear this shit is ripping me apart.

I don't want you to die man. I want to be an old dudes together and reminisce on how we use to drink a case of beer in your car before Brand New concerts. Or how we would bull shit for hours over hooka.

Tonight you told me you can see your funeral. This isn't much different from your common drunken claim where you exclaim that you won't see 29. Before tonight, I use to laugh when you would say shit like that. Now I see where you are coming from and I'm scared.

I texted you just now telling you I'm scared, and you replied "I'm dying anyways". This is true, we will all die. But that doesn't mean you need to speed up the process.

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