Monday, August 10, 2009

Half wasted.

So I'm kinda half shit faced right now and really hankering for an ol' fashioned milkshake. Oreo Milkshake, from Sharies. That sounds awesome right now. Seriously, it sounds better then 18 virgins (or in my Utopia, 18 girls who have had sex with one guy).

I want to wake Derek up and make him come with me. Because who really wants to have Sharies by themselves?? I'll tell you who, fucking losers. And I'm not a loser.

It's always awesome to see the variety of people you see at Sharies. You get quite the slice of life. Everything from Drunk High School kids, to a family of 9, 8 of which have Mullets (the only one missing is 1, but they put PBR in his bottle, so it works)

After I eat Sharies, I want to watch Arrested Development. I'll finish that thought later, Derek just showed up and volunteered to come to Sharies with me. 

God is smiling.

Just got back from Sharies and it was spectacular. I had an Oreo Milkshake and it was like the holocaust, only 180 degrees of opposite. 

OK time to walk the Joan Rivers Roast, which promises to have little ditty's like "Joan Rivers has been stitched up more then the aids quilt, only she's more depressing. 

Smiles kids, smiles.

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