Wednesday, December 1, 2010

clinically Awesome's 2nd Birthday Day

I'm can't write too much right now, I'm balls deep in the middle of trying not to fail any classes and have been sucked dry of anything that even resembles creative juices.

But this is a special occasion as it is my 2 year annaversary, so I'll address it a little bit.

Last year I thanked all my loyal readers. This year I'd like to take time and thank everything that has inspired me.

First and formost, The Portland Trail Blazers, Seattle Mariners and Seattle Seahawks. You three are my favorite teams and you consistantly shit all over my face. I'm like the wife of an abusive husband, telling myself that they love me back and believing them when they say ' this time it'll be different'. Year, after heart breaking year you tell me this year is THE YEAR, and I tell myself that you wouldn't lie. I believe that things will be different. Then two months later I'm wearing consealer while you are sporting a sub .500 record and we start talking mock drafts on the sports radio channles.

The Blazers have been abusive in a different way.brightspot in my fandom has been the Blazers, and even they refuse to put out anything that looks like a competative squad.

On the bright side, the Seahawks have yet to be eliminated from playoff contention, despite the fact that they are destined to be sub .500. What makes that even funnier is the fact that if they DO make it, they will be a division winnner and the proud host of a playoff game. Don't you love techniqualities?!?

I'd like to thank douche bag athletes. Specifically, I'd like to thank Lebron James. Because Lebron is such an incredible douche, I had lots to bitch about this summer. I wish I could just record my rants and post them on here, because they were some of my angriest, most venomous tyrades ever. Sadly, because I'm read less frequently then the bible in the Lohan household- the would have still gone unheard.

Actually, while we are on the subject, lets go ahead and thank Ben Rothlisburger, too. You sir, are (allegedly) a terrible human being. That being said, you are a starting quarterback for my playoff bound fantasy football team.

I guess what I'm saying is this: if you help me win a championship, and I'll not only forget that you've been accused twice of sexual assault in an 18 month span but I'll go as far as to nominate you for knighthood.

Next up, I'd like to thank Beer. This blog started with the idea that I'd be telling a lot of drunken stories. And for the first year, there were alot. My favorite being last years "Drinking in Spokane, through the Magesty of Pictures" ( Sept '09). Sadly, due to a mutant form of Mono, natural maturation and responsibilities, beer and I have had to seperate ourselves with very limited visitations this year. Sure, I still let my hair down from time to time (and alot during the brief seperation from The Girlfriend) but nothing compared to my consumption levels of years past.

That being said we do have New Years, Hocky Tickets and my birthday with in the next two months... I imagine I'll have SOMETHING to report.

Here's hoping that after finals are done, my creative juices return.

And Thanks again to all of you who read this (ever).

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