Friday, July 17, 2009

Beer Goggles Phenomenon

I drank my face off last night, and I'm hurting right now. 

The old Jim Brewer joke held true last night. The one where he describes his stomach as a party with a bouncer.  Youtube it if i you haven't heard it before, cuz I'm sure as shit not going to repeat it. Nothing bombs more then someone trying to recite a joke they thought was funny. It's never as funny as you thought it was, and then it's a real awkward moment. 

But my night started with beer and finished with Tequila. Shiiiiiit. We all know where I'm at right now. I'm cage fighting a sever headache.

I came to stunning conclusion last night. Actually, more of a re-remembering (hahahaha Roger Clemens is so dumb). Because this actually wasn't NEW information. But when you're drinking, and drinking in excess, certain realities become altered.

Arguably, the most apparent is with girls. It's crazy. Throughout the night of self destruction, a girl really does get better looking. You could meet some chick, at beer one, who has no chance with you. But as each beer goes down, or you start moving to shots or what not, I don't know if you just become less aware, or if you just stop caring, but the looks become less apparent. 

Beer Goggles are real people. For good or bad, those things are real, and ugly chicks have good stories to tell at work the next day because of them.

Does that mean beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Or is beauty at the bottom of a Budwiser? You be the judge.

Through my experiments and during my research (ie. many drunken evenings) I have found that all it really takes is on trait on the girl to make her attractive during a drunken evening. You find that one thing that they have that is awesome, and get fixated on that. Honestly, the most common trigger to this reaction is big tits (which would explain how you can wake up with a fat chick).  To prove this point I remember one night, way back in the day meeting a girl. Now, I don't remember what she looked like, hell I can't even tell you what her name was. All I remember from this interaction was finding out she was a baseball fan, and being overtaken with desire. We were making out right in front of the whole party only moments after I met her. Thats all it takes sometimes.

One thing and you stop worrying about the fact that they could be a creature from the black lagoon or whatever. I mean come on, she has monstrous tits ( or in my case, she liked baseball)! 

I don't know. Maybe it's not as interesting a phenomenon that I'm pointing it out to be. Maybe I'm just making an aunt out of a mole hill. Who really knows. I know I find it interesting. And since this is MY blog, I can write about what I want. In fact, I think this subject is so interesting that I'm going to go do some more research tonight.

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