Monday, May 2, 2011

Navy Seal Kills Boogeyman

After ten years of hiding Osama Bin Laden got whats been owed to him- a bullet to the dome. Thats all I need to say on subject.

In other news, I think it's going to spawn a Team America like short story from me. The overall plot seems to be a character based on me is going to be held captive by terroirst after a botched attempt to kill Osama Bin Laden. This is going to result in the CIA to reform a top secret group called "Maverick Renegades" which will by made up of a few guys I know as my drinking buddies.

The next few pages will be littered with dick jokes and violence. I think I have a winning idea here. We'll see if I get some time to do it.

In sadder news, I'm not going to write a big long post about the end of the Blazer season. Just know that I'm upset.


Rebeka said...

Dearest Andy, I love you and I miss you and I'm glad to see some blog updates from you :)

Clinically Awesome said...

Yeah I start these shits and then life catches up and I forget to finish them. How are you, dearest Rebeka? Ps your invitation is getting mailed out today.