Monday, August 1, 2011

Status Update: Sized Up for a Ball n' Chain

Anyone else see that on it was reporting Hell froze over this weekend? I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that I got married on Saturday.

Maybe it did, or maybe I'm just making that up. But what is the truth is that the man who once wrote "Things I Want to Do Before I Die (or get Married)" is now married.

On Saturday, infront of 150 or so people in my hometown, I married my long time lady friend, Sarah. We've looked at our relationship as a marriage for a long time (after all, there is a 2 year old), only now we made it official.

I gotta admit, for as neverous as I was prior- the ceremony was awesome. It was quick, easy and went off with out any major issues(I can literally only speak for us. We had a ton of people working behind the scenes making sure it was easy on us. Thank you to all those people). Shoot, the only thing that I can remember messing up right now is that I stumbled over my vow's (unforunatly it was the part where I am supposed to 'stay faithful'- not a good place to stumble).

But stumble or not, I've been someones husband for 48 hours now. Very surreal feeling for someone who- only a year ago- biggest complication in life was making sure he had Madden 2011's release date off.

Jokes aside, I gotta say I'm extremely happy. I love my wife and my daughter, and can't wait to see what the future has for the three of us. And again, if you came to the wedding or helped out ( or both) thank you so much. Had I not blacked out from nervousness I'm sure I would've enjoyed myself alot.

Actually, before I go, I do have another thing to say.

I do gotta comment on one thing though before I go. If you grew up how I did, chances are the idea of "no sex before marriage" was hammered home to you. My parents harped on it. My church going friends' parents did the same. It's pretty much a staple for all Christian families.

For 20 years I lived under that embrella, only to lose my virginity shortly after my parents announced there seperation (I lost it to Sarah, ps, so thats something to hang my hat on). While I was growing up, though, I remember people stressing that sex with your spouse is better then regular sex. After I lost my virginity, anytime someone told me this, I smiled, nodded and mentally filed it under "shit crazy people say" in my brain. Thats not a slam on abstaining till marriage, just the idea that it somehow got BETTER with a ring.

That being said, 48 hours into my marriage and those crazy people might have been on to something. On the off chance that my freshly-minted wife or someone else in my family (who doesn't want to think about me having sex) reads this, I will withhold the steamy details, but just know that it's been pretty effing sweet.

Maybe it's because we are making up for lost time, after all, we did pledge abstanence after we started our pre-marital counciling. Or maybe those adults who stressed 'no sex' knew what they were talking about. I don't know. I can't explain it. I just know what I've experienced, and what I've experienced over the last 48 hours has been awesome. Like, 'hunny maybe we should invite people to watch us so they can study it for science' levels of awesome.

I am now a full supporter of 'sex is better when married' camp. Because it is.


Jessica W said...

Newlyweds argue over little things. Old couples argue over little things. Newlyweds make up easily. Old couples make up easily. The only difference is make-up-sex as opposed to make-up-'Jeopardy'. Wishing you the best through the awkward years in between sex and Jeopardy.

I didn't come up with this but I liked it and thought I would pass it on. On a more serious note, I'm really happy for you. Wishing you both many great years together.

Clinically Awesome said...

I feel like I should have a sign that says that hanging in my bathroom.

Thanks for the wishes!