Monday, October 11, 2010


ClinicallyAwesome is dropping post 1-0-0 right now. Thats pretty cool right?

I've been thinking about this moment for awhile now. I knew it was coming, eventually. After every post, I look over in the archieve just to make sure I haven't pased it yet.

Simply put, I was very mindful of the benchmark. However, here I am at entry number 100, and I don't have dick to say.

At least nothing awesome.

My life has been reduced to a caffeine addiction and perpetual exhausted pissy-ness due to the school-work-homework daily grind. I'm not joking about the addiction either, I was drinking Rockstar Fruit Punch so frequently my body literally shut down for a day. I couldn't steady my hands enough to type. It was intense.

But thats what I got now. I don't have time to go drinking as much. Sure I'll have a beer here and there, but gone are the wild nights, and mornings of shame (we can also thank the domestication of boyfriendhood for that as well).

Truth be told, I haven't had a regretful hangover since July. But that night was awesome.

It started off as a casual beer pong night. The Girlfriend and I had just gotten back together, and wanted to spend time with some of our friends. Multiple losing efforts of beer pong later, I was shit faced and tired of losing.

So I tried distracting my friends the best way I knew how.... by showing my ball sack (if memory serves me correct, I as performing the bat wing. If you are unaware of the bat wing, please view the movie "Waiting..." for reference). Despite my ball sacks interference, I racked up another loss.

The Girlfriend and I demanded a rematch with Dane and Huber (who were basically the last men standing at this point... every one else had passed out or gone home). This time, I was going to pull out all the stops. I stretched out, and focused my drunk mind. I was searching for the special place.

I was looking for my Jordan Zone.

Before the game began, I had a revelation. I knew what must be done to put myself over the top and guarantee a victory. I got completely naked. Un-tamed, Macy Grey mug shot looking bush be damned. I went full Monty to distract my competition.

Though we still lost, I woke up with a very valuable lesson learned that night. Drunken competitiveness is a mother fucker.

I wish I would've told that story when it actually happened. Maybe the details wouldn't have been so fuzzy.

But thats been it for the booze stories since then. School and work make it impossible for me to get too crazy. I wish I did though, I mean this is blog 100! I need something to talk about.

I wish I had a rant about the Blazers ( though Greg Odens knee is really starting to get my face hot), but I actually have a positive outlook on them heading into the season. Not that I don't have a positive outlook every season, but there is something about the way that team handles on NBA 2k11 that has me just straight giddy for October 26th.

I guess we could just look at the awesomeness that is the number 100. I mean who sticks to something they don't get paid to do that long anyway? I tried to record a rap album once. Actually I've tried multiple times. I got like two songs in and shelved it. I could've been the next 2pac, but we'll never find out because that takes time and I got shit to do.

I started this blog while I was trying to make living in California work. I went down there with barely enough money to buy a flat screen tv, let alone money for living. That idea ( like the rap album) got shelved. However the blog keep firing away. The original idea for it was just to tell stories of alcohol induced mischief and other embarrassing (and possibly incriminating) tales. I believe this was around the time I was introduced to Tucker Max... so that makes sense.

As the drinking stories tank has dried up, the sports rants have been coming frequently. I had a very productive summer at formulating my ideas into my writing. We can probably thank LeBron for that.

The point I'm trying to make is, I'm proud of this thing. Despite the fact that only like 10 people read it, I'm proud of it. I literally have to put a gun to my brothers head to get him to come here... and he spends A LOT of time on the internet. Just sitting there.

But I've stuck to something that rarely shows any reward (thats a lie, any time someone says 'read your blog dude, good stuff' I get embarrassingly wet in my pants), and I'm gonna continue until I find a way to get paid to do this. Thats my promise. If a guy like Tucker Max can get paid to write that bull shit, I can find a way too. It's my American Dream.

So with that, Clinically Awesome has it's 100 post.

Suck on that, Chamberlin.


Unknown said...

read your blog dude, good stuff.

educate me though on this Tucker Max character...

Clinically Awesome said...

Well you can either go to his blog which is or you can actually fucking come hang out with me and I'll let you borrow his books :)